
The Multiple Advantages of Staff Augmentation

The Multiple Advantages of Staff Augmentation

Companies today face many challenges and intense competition. Having a successful business is much harder now because consumers expect to get everything they need in the palm of their hand. This is the era of technology and social media. This trend affects both large companies with significant capital and small or medium-sized businesses starting to take their first steps.

No matter the size of your company, you’ll always need a team to handle your technology needs. Even large companies can no longer support an in-house team for every IT operational need. This is why Staff Augmentation has become a convenient option for businesses of all sizes.

What exactly is Staff Augmentation?

The term might seem self-explanatory, suggesting an increase in staff. However, there’s more to it. Staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy that involves evaluating existing in-house talent and considering additional resources needed. With this information, companies proceed to outsource the necessary services.

Why Staff Augmentation is Popular

Staff augmentation is popular in technology due to the many different specialties and needs today. Often, personnel with particular skills are needed for a specific project but only for a limited time. Sometimes it’s hard to find talent with the required knowledge or experience, so it’s easier to get the needed personnel through a third-party company. It’s also a good alternative for companies that require development solutions across diverse platforms.

Grow your team without growing your payroll

According to Marco Tonti, CEO of Softon, a software development company in Costa Rica and a pioneer in staff augmentation services, there are multiple advantages to staff augmentation. He shares a few of them with us:

Cost Savings

  • Costs:This is the number one reason companies opt for staff augmentation,” says Tonti. He continues, “Companies don’t have to grow their payroll. They can forget about vacation time, bonuses, and everything that comes with handling human resources. Through staff augmentation, you get the qualified personnel you need for a fraction of the cost of hiring in-house staff, especially when choosing offshore companies like Softon because the cost of labor in Costa Rica is considerably lower than in North America.”

Control and Efficiency

  • Control: With IT staff augmentation, the client doesn’t relinquish control entirely, as often happens with regular outsourcing. The personnel still respond to an in-house team and the client’s requirements directly, making the service efficient and easy to monitor.

Access to Specialized Talent

  • Access to Resources: Staff augmentation allows companies of any size to access talented professionals with specific skill sets and knowledge. This is usually not possible for small or medium-sized companies, as hiring such personnel directly is generally unaffordable.

Growth without Limits

  • No Limits: Work by project and grow at your own pace without limitations. “Many times, companies grow but eventually get stuck because they have the right ideas but lack the staff or resources to execute them. Staff augmentation gives companies access to those needed resources,” explained Tonti.

Fresh Perspective and Flexibility

  • Flexibility and Fresh Perspective: In-house personnel usually get caught up in the company’s way of doing things, especially if the team has been together for a long time. They tend to look at things subjectively. “When someone new joins, it shakes things up. Not only do they bring a fresh perspective, but the in-house staff starts thinking outside the box. This helps in the creative process and the search for solutions, and even helps them learn new things,” assured the Softon executive.


This outsourcing trend has great advantages and can be beneficial for companies in different industries and of different sizes. However, it’s important to find a reliable company that knows what they’re doing.

For additional information or advice, contact Softon.